N³8 (incubate) is a web-based platform to document, archive and evolve any number of one’s ideas.
Team Lead: Richard Grillotti
Additional Team Members: Will Stevenson, Miles Tilmann
N³8 intended as a public platform / social network for creatives & ideators & those interested in being part of something they believe in. The N³8 (incubate) is a web-based platform to document, archive and evolve any number of one’s ideas. It is a personal (and sometimes public) idea portfolio, which creators can use to iterate on their concepts, form teams to build with, or simply have as an addition to an existing portfolio of produced work, useful in any number of opportunities where demonstrating one’s thought processes and unique creative ability is crucial.
We believe that incubating an idea and forming a team around it to research, collect feedback, mature it, generate a prototype (if applicable) and plan for its creation greatly increases a creator's likelihood of success in bringing the full idea to the world.
N³8 Has participated in the UC Santa Cruz Summer Entrepreneurship Academy and has been awarded IDEA Hub funding for the 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 academic years. With help from IDEA Hub funding N³8, has accomplished several things including, further development, enabling the platform to on-board users and set up project pages which populate content from the database, and market research analysis , both of which will further increasing our chances of success when pitching for a major funding round.
Team Members:
Richard Grillotti
rich@e70.io, rgrillot@ucsc.edu
CRO - External Relations/Internal Activities (PMO), Insider industry facing, UX, Creative Director
Miles Tilmann
COO - Internal Relations / External activities, Operations
Will Stevenson
CIO - Business activities, Business processes, Information officer duties